
Showing posts from October, 2012


Fenomena kesurupan atau possesion belakang ini marak diperbincangkan dalam berbagai media, khususnya kasus kesurupan masal yang terjadi di berbagai daerah dan sering menimpa para pelajar sekolah, misalnya kasus kesurupan masal di SMU Pangudi Luhur Yogyakarta atau kasus kesurupan yang menimpa para pekerja di pabrik rokok Bentoel. Sebenarnya dalam kehidupan sehari-hari banyak orang yang mengalami semacam trance atau kesurupan tanpa disadari. Dengan kata lain, dirinya menolak dikatakan trance atau kesurupan, misalnya pada waktu mereka sedang mengendarai mobil atau pesawat terbang, nonton TV, nonton sepak bola atau ketika menonton pergelaran musik. Kesurupan atau possesion dan trance , kasusnya banyak dijumpai di negara dunia ketiga. Di India yang kultur dan budayanya mirip Indonesia, kesurupan atau possesion syndrome atau possesion hysterical merupakan bentuk disosiasi yang paling sering ditemukan. Angka kejadiannya kurang lebih 1 – 4% dari populasi umum. Studi epidemiolo

Merokok Menyebabkan Kurus

Merokok ? Kurus ? Tanpa disadari orang yang merokok umumnya memiliki berat badan lebih kurus dibanding yang non-perokok. Hal ini ternyata dipengaruhi kandungan nikotin di dalam rokok yang bisa mengganggu perilaku makan. Penelitian yang dilakukan oleh peneliti dari Yale University, Amerika Serikat telah menemukan penyebab orang yang merokok memiliki berat badan lebih kurus dan akan menjadi gemuk setelah ia berhenti merokok yaitu pengaruh dari nikotin. Kondisi ini yang kadang membuat beberapa orang tidak mau berhenti merokok, karena akan membuat berat badannya meningkat jadi gemuk. Padahal mencegah obesitas dengan merokok hanya akan memberi efek yang sangat kecil, tapi akan memberikan banyak kerugian. “Para perokok rata-rata memiliki berat badan yang 2,5 kg lebih ringan dibandingkan dengan non-perokok,” ujar ketua studi Profesor Marina Piccotto, seperti dikutip dari . Dalam studi ini peneliti memberikan nikotin pada tikus setiap harinya selama 30 hari dan menem
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Mengganti/Modifikasi Tombol Start

Tombol Start pada windows 7 adalah salah satu yang bisa di modifikasi agar tampilan laptop anda lebih menarik ^_^. Tapi anda harus punya program untuk menggantinya klik disini untuk download setelah itu download orb nya ( jenis tombol start ) berikut SSnya ^_^
How to Show Recent Comments in Blogger By displaying recent comments, we can easily see who has commented on our blog. So that we can also immediately answer the comment. With these recent comments, we automatically know that there is traffic on our blog. We also will know which posts are popular and favored visitors. The other advantage of showing related article to your post is it will help your readers find more information related to the topics. This is base on label or category. This is usually put to the end of the article. After your visitors finish read your article, they will find some links that related to the post base on label or category. Immediately, to put recent comments on your blog, follow these steps 1. Login to your blog 2. Copy This Code <script style="text/javascript" src=""></script> <ul> <script style="text/javascript"> var nu
17 Effective Search Engine Optimization Techniques Proper ways to perform SEO has become a popular topic of conversation. The difference between having a successful website and a flop usually depends on how you incorporated your SEO. Learning proper SEO techniques can seem like a daunting task, especially to those who are not familiar with the concept. The biggest problem is SEO changes as the search engines change their algorithms, so it is something that you have to stay on top of. The following list offers 10 simple SEO techniques you should keep in mind when developing and marketing your website. #1. Make sure your website is initially designed with your SEO needs in mind. Search engines look for text, not flashy graphics and cool layouts. The trendiest web designs will mean nothing if no one is able to find your site. #2. Every page of your website should have a title tag with text describing either your site or what is on the page. Be sure the te

Paramore Monster chord

Chord Paramore - Monster Intro : Em Em You were my conscience C So solid now you're like water Em And we started drowning Em Not like we'd sink any farther Em But I let my heart go C It's somewhere down at the bottom Em But I'll get a new one C And come back for the hope that you've stolen Em C                             Em I'll stop the whole world, I'll stop the whole world           C                               Em From turning into a monster, eating us alive                        C                              G Don't you ever wonder, how we survive                                 C                         Em Well now that you're gone, the world is ours C Em C Em I'm only human C I've got a skeleton in me Em But I'm not the villain C Despite what you're always preaching Em Call me a traitor C I'm just collecting your victims Em And they're getting stronger